Origami Owl Mission: What could it mean to you?

Do you know what the Origami Owl Mission is? Well, let me tell you!


The Origami Owl mission can be summed up with the words, “Be a Force for Good.” For me, this ties in perfectly with my beliefs of following the Golden Rule and harming none and the idea of karma. I personally want to spread positivity and I want to serve others and hope that they will be inspired to spread love and happiness farther than I myself can reach. You may have heard this quote once or twice; “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I feel this quote is what it means to “Be a Force for Good.”

This mission is not the reason why I joined Origami Owl, but it is the reason why I love this company so much. The Nest (what we call the home office) encourages all independent designers to live this mission and regularly asks us to go out and help others through charity and acts of kindness. They themselves also regularly participate in charity work and fundraising efforts and truly cherish those values. In my past, I had worked for a company that didn’t seem to care at all for people. All they wanted was to make money to make money to have and get more money. After that experience, I learned that I could never again work for a company that did not value people and did not treat them with respect and caring.

As an independent designer, I serve others in multiple ways. As my job, I help others create jewelry that is special and meaningful. I help them find the perfect gifts for them to give to their loved ones. I help them share their love of Origami Owl through holding fun and entertaining Jewelry Bars. I help them find their own success when they decide to become a designer themselves.

There are also ways I choose to serve others outside of my business. I volunteer at and donate to the Seattle Humane Society. I participate in charity cycling events. I make a point to be positive on my social media platforms (I feel this is very underrated).

Think about what you value. How can you “Be a Force for Good”? Do you think that Origami Owl could be part of your path to serving others? Lets chat about it!

Want to hang out and talk some more about this topic? Come join me over at The Cher Circle!